Natural Exfoliating Powder : Export of Prickly Pear Seed Powder

BIO VALLEY prickly pear seed powder is a natural plant-based exfoliant directly from cold pressing of prickly pear seeds.

Thanks to the fine granulometry of the seeds, exfoliation is carried out gently without any risk of irritation while being very effective, natural and organic.

The natural hardness of the seeds effectively eliminates dead cells from the skin, while preparing it for the application of treatments.
It is a 100% natural and organic exfoliant.

It is very rich in protein and fiber . It also contains essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

BIO VALLEY natural prickly pear seed exfoliating powder is very effective in deeply cleansing the skin while smoothing it.

It is particularly suitable for the preparation of body scrub products for domestic use or for professionals in the cosmetics industry.

Physico-chemical characteristics Values
Proteins 7%
Vitamine E (Tocophérols) : 60 UI/Kg
Saturated fatty acids 15g/100g de MG
Monounsaturated fatty acids 10 g/100g de MG
Poly-instituted fatty acids 63 g/100g de MG

